Register a Custom Taxonomy with Bazooka

First, you need to use Bazooka in Theme or in Plugin.

Register a Taxonomy

No matter how you organize your-folder/ source folder. You have to create a new class that implements TaxonomyInterface like this :

use Fantassin\Core\WordPress\Taxonomy\Contracts\TaxonomyInterface;

class YourTaxonomy implements TaxonomyInterface

  public function getKey(): ?string
    return 'your-taxonomy';

  public function getPostTypes(): ?string
    return ['your-post-type'];

  public function getArgs(): array

    $labels = array(…);

    return [
      'labels'       => $labels,
      'public'       => true,
      'hierarchical' => false,
      'has_archive'  => true,


getKey() method must return de Taxonomy key its corresponds to $taxonomy parameters in official documentation :

getPostTypes() method must return an array of Post Types key you want to link your taxonomy.

getArgs() method must return an array of the same parameters as $args in official documentation.

Even if getArgs return empty array, we convert your Taxonomy key to Camel Case to get Singular Name and Plural Name.

That’s all… YourTaxonomy is automatically register by Bazooka in ThemeKernel or PluginKernel.

We advise you to use Plugin to register custom Taxonomies instead of Theme. By using plugin, tomorrow, if your theme is inactive, you keep your features developed around your Taxonomies.

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